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CCA Advocacy: Consultation Submission to Canadian Sustainability Standards Board’s Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Criteria for Modification Framework

Action: CCA has submitted a Submission to Canadian Sustainability Standards Board’s (CSSB’s) Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Criteria for Modification Framework during its consultation period.  


Reason: CCA has been closely engaged with the CSSB through the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) in addition to individual discussions with CSSB staff. The focus throughout these engagements has been ensuring a level playing field for Canadian beef producers within not only the agriculture and agri-food sector, but within the broader Canadian economy as well. In regard to disclosures of GHG emissions, we emphasize that there should not be additional barriers placed on beef cattle producers in this process.  


CCA is concerned that given the relatively small size of many businesses within the beef supply and value chain, there may be challenges in achieving an accurate representation of GHG emissions intensity. 


Main Recommendations: 


  • CCA is calling for the entire food industry, specifically producers, to be exempt under Scope 3 emissions reporting. However, if this is to apply to that sector, CCA requests that the reporting be voluntary so as not to place any undue burden on producers. 


  • CCA believes that transition relief is required for these disclosures given the complexity in generating accurate metrics and reporting. 


  • It is CCA’s firm position that Canadian requirements for reporting must not move beyond U.S. requirements for the same types of production. 

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