Last week, the Canadian Cattle Youth Council joined various youth industry representatives to collaborate as the next generation of agriculture to discuss business risk management (BRM) programs and climate policy.
On Wednesday, November 29, Canadian Cattle Youth Council Ontario Delegate, Emily Bromley, participated in-person in Ottawa, ON, while Youth Council President, Scott Gerbrandt (SK), was able to join virtually.
The session was hosted by the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council that acts as a consultative body to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The Environment and Climate Change Youth Council was also in attendance, that similarly advises on key environmental and climate issues to inform decisions by the federal government. It was a great opportunity for our young producers to connect with other young leaders in Canada, and share how the Canadian beef industry plays a key role in the climate change solution.
The session included discussions on the importance of BRM programs to young farmers and ranchers. Canadian Cattle Youth Council delegates were able to contribute with recommendations to improve programming as a more effective tool to support the next generation of the beef industry.
Learn more about the Canadian Cattle Youth Council at www.canadiancattleyouthcouncil.ca.
Funding for the Canadian Cattle Youth Council is made available through the generous support from Platinum Sponsor New Holland and the following associations: British Columbia Cattlemen’s Association, Alberta Beef Producers, Saskatchewan Beef Producers, Manitoba Beef Producers, Beef Farmers of Ontario, Quebec Cattle Producers , Nova Scotia Cattle Producers, New Brunswick Cattle Producers, Prince Edward Island Cattle Producers and the Canadian Cattle Association.