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CCA 2021 Annual General Meeting recap

The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) had a productive Annual General Meeting in a new virtual format March 24 – 26, 2021.

Bob Lowe (AB) and Reg Schellenburg (SK) were re-elected President and Vice President, respectively. CCA welcomed newly elected members to the CCA board including Linda Allison (BC), George L'Heureux (AB), Kelly Smith-Fraser (AB) and Matthew Atkinson (MB).

The Board thanks the following retiring directors and members for their time and contributions to the organization and Canada’s beef industry: Grant Huffman (BC), Jodi Flaig (AB), Stuart Somerville (AB) and Gord Adams (MB).

This year’s Reception on the Hill went online and featured a virtual ‘Dinner and a Movie’, with tips and a demonstration on how to cook the perfect steak with chefs from CHOP Steakhouse & Bar and a screening of the critically acclaimed Guardians of the Grasslands documentary. To view the video replay, click here.

Canfax presented the Canadian beef market update. Demand is projected to hit the second highest level in 30 years due to strong beef consumption and higher prices. To watch the presentation, click here.

Read about the Annual General Meeting here.

2020 Annual Report The CCA’s 2020 Annual Report is now available. You can view and download the Report on the CCA website here.

Top left and right: CCA's social media posts featured quotes from CCA Committee Chairs. Bottom left: CHOP Steakhouse & Bar chefs shared tasty tips on how to cook the perfect steak with participants during the virtual Reception on the Hill event. Bottom Right: Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, attended the AGM March 25 and brought greetings from government.

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