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CCA is calling for swift resolution to impending Canadian Pacific Railway strike action

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

The Canadian Cattlemen's Association (CCA) is working closely with industry partners to ensure both parties and the Government of Canada are aware of the potential devastating impacts to Canada’s beef industry, should strike action occur. CCA has been meeting with key Parliamentarians who have leadership roles in agriculture, transportation, and labour, including the Liberal Government, and Opposition leadership in both the Conservative Party and New Democrat Party. All are aware of the urgency and concern coming from the Canadian cattle industry.

As the strike deadline approaches on March 16, 2022, CCA continues to monitor the situation and encourages both sides to reach a solution prior to the deadline. We are asking the Government of Canada to be prepared and ready to take action in the case of a strike or lockout.

To read the joint statement from CCA and the National Cattle Feeders’ Association, click here.

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