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Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable gearing up for next National Beef Sustainability Assessment

CRSB is pleased to report that, after a competitive process led by the CRSB’s Scientific Advisory Committee, Group AGECO and Canfax Research Services have been selected to update our National Beef Sustainability Assessment (NBSA) and Strategy, expected for release in 2023.

The NBSA provides farm to fork national sustainability performance metrics for the Canadian beef sector, from environmental, social and economic perspectives. The metrics from our first Assessment, released in 2016, are widely used to demonstrate Canada’s global sustainability leadership, and have been instrumental over the past 5 years in the beef industry’s communication efforts with respect to sustainable beef production. The accompanying Sustainability Strategy highlighted key areas for continuous improvement, which has also helped inform the industry’s recently announced 2030 goals.

The CRSB has committed to updating the assessment every 5-7 years. We are currently in the information-gathering and scoping stage, which includes consultations with stakeholders.

From September to December 2021, we will be launching:

  1. An online producer survey, with a goal to gather 500 responses from across Canada

  2. Interviews with CRSB members

  3. Interviews and questionnaires with packers and processors

These surveys are critical inputs to inform many of the performance metrics, and a strong response to this call for participation will result in a robust assessment.

More details on the producer survey will be available at the CRSB AGM on September 28. We encourage beef producers from across Canada to take part.

The interviews will inform the social assessment and provide strategic direction for the update of the Sustainability Strategy. Members selected for stakeholder interviews will be contacted in September to schedule those interviews.

We appreciate all who participate in this process and contribute to the success of the NBSA update!

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