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Follow the latest Pasture Tech research on Forage Production Insurance blog

An interactive blog called Pasture Technology has been relaunched to communicate ongoing research activities that aim to enhance pasture insurance by quantifying forage production using remote sensing technology. The satellite-imaging project titled “Remote Sensing Applications to Insure Individual Farm Forage Production” is funded under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership’s AgriRisk Initiatives.

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This project, an extension of a successful feasibility study the Canadian Cattlemen's Association

(CCA) sponsored under Growing Forward 2, is intended to develop mathematical algorithm(s) to transpose satellite data to estimates of forage productivity for native pasture, tame pasture and hay at the individual farm and ranch level across Canada. CCA hopes this project may lead to the creation of pasture and forage insurance programs through which producers may be able to submit a claim if their own pasture and forages have produced substantially less than on average (normal production).

CCA encourages interested cattle producers to keep an eye on this blog to follow the project’s progress and offer your feedback. The researchers understand the importance of approaching the challenge of quantifying farm forage production with the producer’s perspective in mind, and offers producers the opportunity to leave questions and comments for their team at any time. A number of blog entries have already been posted on their website. Producers can use the comment boxes that follow each of the blog posts and can also follow the project on twitter here.

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