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Front-of-package advocacy update & call to action

As you may know, Health Canada has proposed a front-of-pack labelling strategy for products high in sodium, sugar and saturated fat. This will be based on the per cent of Daily Value (DV), as seen as on the Nutrition Facts table, to determine whether that product falls in the threshold limits that have been set.

Under the current proposal, regular, lean, and extra lean ground beef will be required to carry a “High in Saturated Fat” warning label. This is still a fluid situation, but the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association’s (CCA) team in Ottawa has been advised that these regulations will be considered final once published in Canada Gazette Part 2, which is expected to happen as early as mid-June.

While the Ottawa office is working every last avenue to ensure this doesn’t happen, CCA leadership is also proceeding with a public relations campaign as well as further engagement with Parliamentarians from all political parties.

You may have seen this column over the weekend shared on social media, which highlights many of the concerns that CCA has shared with Parliamentarians and department officials. On June 3, 2022, CCA also released a statement on this issue. To read our statement, click here.

We are encouraging our members and stakeholders to share our key messages through all channels. For more information or to request our key messages, please reach out to Michelle McMullen at

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