Guardians of the Grasslands was publicly launched via a live virtual event on May 4, 2021. Since then, we have seen enormous success in the number of views it has garnered online and the follow-up conversations it has attracted from various podcasts.
Guardians of the Grasslands – Updated Stats:
125,000 views of the film across Facebook and YouTube
Reach of 4 million from social media promotion
Reach of 1.2 million from print media coverage
NEW Podcast Episodes
The Meet Your Herdmates Sodcast has featured both Ben Campbell and Kristine Tapley to speak about cattle on grasslands and the film
Amie Peck was a guest on The Back 40 podcast to talk about how the documentary was made and upcoming video projects from Public and Stakeholder Engagement
Watch for the film on your TV! Both RFDTV and WildTV will be showing the film throughout the summer
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