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Let’s Make Lunch Project Overview

As part of the COVID-19 recovery work, Canada Beef is launching a Summer Camp program for Canadian kids and families on July 7 2020: Let’s Make Lunch – a Facebook Live on-line camp hosted by nutrition & food skills educator, Andrea Villneff.

WHY: Based on the knowledge that parents are growing weary of making three meals/day, every day, and that kids are restless with many traditional summer activities shut down, parents need help with recipe inspiration, helpful kid-activities and a solution for getting lunch on the table.

CANADA BEEF BENEFITS: Reaching out to kids and for educators is a need to bring the next generation of loyal beef users to the table. These audiences are difficult to reach using traditional media outreach and having to work through each provincial education program mandate and screening. We are always faced with the difficult challenge of how do we get beef-friendly content into the classroom?

HOW: Canada Beef has worked with Andrea Villneff for three years now, as she has taken her collaborative food commodity supported nutrition/food education classes into school classrooms as part of foods/nutrition curriculum. The program delivery face-to-face has been limited the outreach to specific locations – there was a need to find a solution to making the content available on a national scale.

Canada Beef has worked with Andrea to develop an on-line delivery of those same beef focused recipe demos & nutrition lesson plans, on-line for a Summer Camp. So, the beauty of this program is that it is built from existing assets that we have on-hand.


  • There will be eight weekly Facebook Live programs starting July 7 at 12:00 noon (EST), so that folks can ‘cook-along’ while they watch the live lesson delivery. Lessons will be distributed in advance of the weekly lessons along with the featured recipe and matching shopping list that week. Check out the summer camp landing page

  • Seven additional cooking videos will be featured on the Let’s Make Lunch Summer Camp YouTube playlist along with recipe and shopping pdfs.

  • Promotion will be via our influencer and stakeholder groups, educator relationships, and mom/dad influencers as well as part of the #MyCanadianBeef consumer campaign outreach.

  • Facebook Live programming will be recorded and accessible post-program for those who missed the scheduled program.

  • Plans for fall, would be to release the programming further with schools as part of their nutrition/foods curriculum programming

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