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Mentorship mixer series a success

Earlier this month, the Beef Cattle Research Council’s (BCRC) Researcher Mentorship Program and the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Mentorship Program teamed up to present a two-part virtual workshop and networking series to program participants.

The series allowed opportunities for researchers who study cattle, beef, genetics, feed or forage production and young beef producers and industry stakeholders to connect to learn from each other and create meaningful industry contacts.

On February 4, 2021, the virtual series kicked off with presentations from Cattlemen’s Young Leaders with a focus on primary production exploring the cow-calf and feedlot sectors. CYL, Andrea van Iterson, presented on her family backgrounding feedlot operation in B.C. and CYL, Mackenzie Argent, shared about her family’s cow-calf operation in Alberta. Following the presentations, researchers and CYLs split into discussion breakout groups to ask questions and share ideas while building new connections in the Canadian beef industry.

“The Mentorship Mixer event was an amazing experience as a young producer,” said CYL, Mackenzie Argent. “Being able to connect with researchers passionate about beef production and share a producer’s perspective on the industry was a unique opportunity. I am thankful to the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and CYL Program for helping us connect to foster relationships I know will be beneficial as I continue my career.”

The virtual series continued February 11, 2021, where researchers then presented to the CYL group about their innovative work and important contributions to the Canadian beef industry, once again followed by breakout group discussions. Dr. Jonathan Bennett is an assistant professor of plant ecology at the University of Saskatchewan and shared with CYLs about his work in grassland ecology and management. Then Dr. Trevor Coates from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Research and Development Centre in Lethbridge, AB presented to the group about his work focused on better understanding the complexities of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.

“I really appreciated hearing about the issues facing young cow-calf producers and also the limitations that they face when trying to overcome these issues,” said Dr. Jonathan Bennett. “I also really enjoyed the interest that these young producers showed in my research program; their enthusiasm for certain aspects of my research was enlightening. These interactions will certainly help focus my research program on issues that are truly relevant to producers.”

The CYL Program and BCRC look forward to exploring further collaboration between the two mentorship programs.

CYLs and researchers broke off into smaller breakout room discussions

following presentations to network and share ideas. February 11, 2021

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